Zygomatic Dental Implants

Bone in the upper jaw has a tendency to shrink after a tooth has been removed and sometimes the bone loss is too great to support regular implants without having more complex treatment. Zygomatic implants are a great alternative to having these complex treatments as they provide support for bridgework when ordinary implants cannot be used.

Akin to normal implants, Zygomatic ones are made of titanium screws but the key difference is that they are longer. Unlike normal implants, they are fixed into the check bone (zygoma) which provides a strong foundation and allows surgery to be carried out more simply.

With Zygomatic implants we can send you away the same day with that confident smile you’ve always dreamed of.

If you would like to undergo Zygomatic implants or just want to know more about them don’t hesitate to contact us here at Confidental Greenwich.


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