Lip Enhancement

Lips are a key feature of the face and here, at Confidental Greenwich, we understand that you may not be fully satisfied with your lips. We are pleased to offer a range of Dermal Fillers so that you can regain fuller lips.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers include a natural product in our body called Hyaluronic Acid that prevents wrinkles and provides volume. As we age, our lips become thinner and smaller. This popular form of treatment is very cost-effective and produces natural looking results to restore our youthful appearance.

Where can lip enhancement be done?

There is a range of areas on the lips where lip enhancement is carried out:

  • Vermilion border or lip outline
  • Body of the upper and lower lip
  • Cupid bow definition
  • Oral commissures or lines going down from the sides of the mouth
  • Marionette lines (puppet lines)
  • Perioral line or fine vertical lines


We have highly qualified Cosmetic Dentists who will perform this procedure. Before doing so, you will need a consultation with your dentist who will discuss the treatment plan and answer any questions that may concern you.

The treatment is fairly quick and will last up to 30 minutes, with results being instantly visible. These results should last between 6 and 18 months. The treatment itself is not painful so you will be comfortable throughout. After the procedure, there may be minimal swelling and bruising (if any) but these effects should disappear within 2 days. There are no long-term effects with this treatment.

To book an appointment with one of our Cosmetic Dentists to obtain fuller lips, please contact our reception team who will arrange this for you.

Who should not have this treatment?

Pregnant women and those breast-feeding should abstain from using Dermal Fillers.

Please also be aware that if you have had cold sores around the mouth before, having this treatment may trigger an outbreak.


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