Tooth Friendly Christmas Tips

Our Greenwich dental team offers some seasonal oral health advice

Most patients of the Confidental Clinic are probably looking forward to Christmas. For many, it is a time away from work where we can put our feet up and let our hair down a little. Once the presents have been bought and wrapped and Christmas dinner eaten, we can start to relax and indulge, or occasionally overindulge, in some of the things that we tend to enjoy.

This is all great fun and we have no wish to spoil your enjoyment at this time of year. It is worth noting though, that some of our Christmas and New Year festive habits might not be as great for our teeth, and oral health in general.

Too many sweets and sugary goods

Most of us probably get sweets and chocolates bought as stocking fillers and perhaps decide to eat them over Christmas and Boxing Day. But of course all of this additional sugar is potentially very harmful for our teeth. If you do eat a lot of extra sweets, make sure to clean your teeth really well and floss them also. Preferably, resist the temptation to over indulge.


If you once used to smoke, you are often in a vulnerable position and may start again if tempted to have ‘just one’ cigarette or cigar. It may seem relatively harmless to smoke for a day or so, but for many people this is likely to be a slippery slope and it won’t be long before you are regularly indulging in this expensive and dangerous habit. Smoking is known to be a significant contributor to a number of oral health issues including gum disease and mouth cancer.


A few drinks in moderation should do little harm over the holidays. Do try to drink sensibly though and make sure to stay well hydrated to avoid a dry mouth. Remember that many accidents also happen because of over indulgence in accidents and broken and knocked out teeth may result.

Don’t show off

We all have friends and relatives who, after a few drinks, start to show off and sometimes make a spectacle of themselves. This is OK, if a bit embarrassing, but make sure that you don’t compromise your oral health, for example by showing how you can open a bottle with your teeth. Even if you have done this successfully before, it only takes one slip to break a tooth and even suffer from facial cuts. Don’t risk it!

Don’t skip your oral health regime

Christmas can be very tiring and especially after a few drinks, we may just decide not to bother cleaning our teeth before we go to bed. This is a bad mistake and, if anything, you should be even more focussed when you clean them. However tired you feel, never skip brushing and flossing your teeth if you want to keep them healthy.

Christmas time can be great fun and the last thing that you want is to suffer from a severe toothache. Taking just a few moments to think about what you are doing can make all the difference.

Like most dental practices, the Confidental Clinic will be closed at times over Christmas. If you do suffer from a dental emergency, you can call our Greenwich clinic on the usual number ( 020 8858 1422 ) and listen to the recorded message for advice on what to do next. From all of our team, have a great festive holiday!